TOday I didnt want to go ANYWHERE! I was so glad just to be home and not get ready! Heather, Tessa and Isaak came over so we could wear the boys out...and Hank! We suited up adn headed to the back yard! The hill we have that goes into the neighbors yard is perfect for cole to sled down...not too scary! The boys must have gone down a million times, Hank right beside them! Then they had snow ball fight, snow ball attacks on hank, wrestled and laughed! They had a great time and definately got worn out! And my back is hurtin cause I shoveled the WHOLE driveway alone! Gotta love Dans job!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
ROund Two!
Posted by brooke at 3:52 PM 0 comments
Snow Snow Snow!
On Monday night the snow began! It was more ice than anything, and school was called off around 10pm! We woke up and there was no more snow than when we went to bed! I was a little upset becuase every day of school we miss (this was 2)we lose that from our 3 week spring break! The weatherman said, a 2nd round would hit late Tuesday evening! And it did! It started around 5pm and went until midnight leaving us with 6-7 inches! Tuesday night me, dan , cole, laura, michael and 2 kids we were watching drove over to the big hill we like at a school! Michael is from Louisiana and had never sledded before! That was hysterical in itself! We had a blast! I knew by the snow coming down there would be no school Wed. either!
Posted by brooke at 3:41 PM 0 comments
Welcome Baby Delaney
Baby Delaney has arrived and everyone is healthy! My great friend Betsy has delivered her dream! FOr those of you who dont know her story, she and her husband "tried" for about 2 years to get pregnant! She and I used to ride together to work at my old job and run through how she would cope if she could never conceive. The odds were not in their favor! We became very close through all of the fertilty treatments she persued...several failed IUI's, low sperm counts, and lots of unanswered questions. During her quest is also when Dan and I began "trying" for our second child. SInce we were both having trouble, we became even closer trying to be support systems for each other. At almost the year mark of Dan and I trying, they conceived! I will never forget being in the middle of a meeting and getting a picture mail on my phone of 6 positive preg. tests! I screamed out loud and ran out to call her! It was her birthday...literally! SO the journey to motherhood began for her! She had a similar preg. to mine with Cole with high blood pressure adn some heart palpitations. Unfortunately her heart palpitations progressed at around 30ish weeks and one night she went into A-Fib and had to be "knocked out" and her heart shocked back into reg. rhythms. After that she was a nervous wreck, blood pressure never came back down so she spend the last 8 weeks in and out of the hospital, only to FINALLY deliver Delaney healthy as can be! Betsy had no problems either! I cant tell you the joy I know she is experiencing. only becuase when you try for so long for something you arent sure you are going to makes it even sweeter! We love you Betsy and Delaney and Joe!
Posted by brooke at 3:27 PM 0 comments
Thursday, January 15, 2009
Playdate #2! Super Heroes!
The kids as super heroes!
Hat discovery!
For Coles second playdate of the day, he had Josh and Isaak over to play. Well, I wanted some girl time, so Heather, Kristy, Laura and the kids came over! They never really all play together much, but it was so cute to watch them! I think each cried one time! ha! Cole is very into playing super heroes, so at one point they all had a "cape" on! They also discovered Dans hats and came pouring into the kitchen with them on! Too cute! They will get in a LOT of trouble down the road!
Posted by brooke at 7:34 PM 0 comments
Little Buddies
Cute baby Tyler!
Cole and Logan in the toy box!
Last weekend Cole got to play with all his friends in one day! Probably why he ended up with a fever the next day! Anyways, on Saturday for lunch he and I went to Svetlanas, my good friend from high school and college. She has Logan, coles age and Tyler who is 4 months old. Cole and Logan both LOVE star wars so they have a great time playing Light Sabers pretend stuff! They ran all around the house making crazy sound effects! Little Tyler is just the cutest thing! He has to wear a helmet for 23 hours a day to correct his flat head from laying on his back too much! I swear it makes him even cuter! Thanks Svet for letting us play!
Posted by brooke at 7:29 PM 0 comments
Wii Hunt
Cole with his new sleeping bag!
Last week, we decided after much resistance to my "no game systems in our house" stand, that it was way too much fun and we needed a wii! Well, we couldnt find one to save our life! One day dan and cole went on a "wii hunt" while I was at work!I got home and cole told me they didnt find a wii, but they found him a spider man sleeping bag! (this is why they cant be trusted) He looks so old when he lays in it! He sleeps in his sleeping bag in his bed every night now! ha!
Posted by brooke at 7:25 PM 0 comments
Yee Haw!
The whole clan!
Our little cowboys!
Look at that!
me and my cowboy!
Last weekend Dan and I took Cole to his first rodeo. Jason and Heather also came with Isaak! Cole was so excited! I went to Walmart and got him some cowboy boots and we were set! He absolutely loves horses! All he kept saying was "aw, shes so beautiful!" He didnt like calf roping because he felt bad for the calf. When the cald would get untied he would holler, "go cow go!" We had such a good time watching him! Of course, he also ended up with a cowboy hat! While were watching the calf roping he said he needed a rope so he could tie Hank up when we got home! ha!
As we were driving in the parking lot, we passed a barrel racer at her trailer with her horse. He said HI to her and then told us we needed to get our trailer first before we buy our horse! We told him to talk to gigi and papa!
Posted by brooke at 7:16 PM 0 comments
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Extreme Measures!
Me and Laura!
Cutie Peggo Laura full of germs!
All of us
We are armed!
Cole and Isaak on New Years
See, I told you I was so afraid of the flu! On New Years Eve, we had the Hudsons over as we always do, and our poor friend Laura was supposed to come too, but 4 days earlier, she was sick with it! So she could tell by the tone of my voice, I was a little nervous about being around her! So she stayed hom becuase her husband was working and shes 6 months pregnant. Well, at 11:30 we called her and begged her to come over becuase she lives a mile away and we didnt want her to be alone at midnight! While she drove over (bless her heart for appeasing us that had too much wine) we wrapped ourselved up so she couldnt breathe on us! She laughed so hard when we all answered the door! Happy New Year!
Posted by brooke at 10:47 AM 0 comments
Hank got the Bug!
SO, I said that WE didnt get the flu, but Ole' Hank the Tank ate something nasty I guess, and as always some socks that were left out, so he ended up sick as a dog...he, get it? I crack myself up! Here are a few pics of Hank, I dont think I have posted any of him in a while. He just turned 1 and is roughly 95 pounds!
Posted by brooke at 10:19 AM 0 comments
My Christmas Wish!
Our hank and mindys water loving Jasper totally muddy!
Cousins at the zoo!
All of us at the zoo!
More cousins at the zoo!
Me eating Mindys peanut butter balls I waited so long for!
The day after Christmas my presents arrived from Verona Wisconsin! My sister, Jeff and the girls came to stay with us for 4 days! You can imagine the chaos, but happiness that entailed! My house is small, but it was worth it! If you havent already heard from all the facebook comments, within the first 10 minutes one of our kitchen pictures on the wall was knocked off and broke, then the next morning our clock was broken, at that point my sister said, "SHould we leave now?" HA! It was all worth being together and watching Coel play with his cousins! Min, Mom and I of course had a blast catching up and being stupid! We had 2 days of awesome weather so we went to the zoo, and the park and the dogpark....yes we had 2 HUGE dogs also! ha! When they left there were lots of tears, followed by sweet cole saying, "Mom, they cant go! They cant live too far away!"
Posted by brooke at 10:08 AM 0 comments
CHristmas Craziness!
ALL the toys that Aunt Stace, gigi and papa and Aunt Ray got him! Plus some he already had opened!
Getting ready fro teh first stop!
The screamin banshee that drove me all over st. louis!
Sleepy Head!
Checking out what Santa brought!
Hope you all had a wonderful christmas and avoided the stomach bug that took st. louis by storm...or vomit..whichever you prefer! We holed up in here a few days prior and if we went out acted like total OCD germophobs as to not be sick on Dans first Christmas off with Cole! We ended up ALL healthy! yea! Dan had a great time watchign COle open presents and his expression as he went on and on about Santa coming! He got WAY too many presents from us and Santa, then being the only grandchild on Dans side, you can only imagine! Here are a few pics from Christmas!
Posted by brooke at 9:56 AM 0 comments