Well, sadly today marks the 1 month bday for Emmy! I know, I know, you say "sadly?" It is sad that time goes so fast! I just want both my kids to stay little longer so I can soak it all in! This last month has been a blur! It seems so fast paced with two kids, that sometimes I feel like I didnt stare at her long enough that day! WIth the first one you get to just stare uninterrupted, and with the second one you are constantly having to put her down and get something for the other, or clean or do laundry etc etc...I am trying each morning after her last feeding at usually 6am, to put her on my chest instead of back in bed so I can just soak her in! I got to stay home for 14 weeks with cole, and only 6 with her. I have one more week off and Im so sad. She seems so young to part with me all day already! I told my husband yesterday, how sad that you have to send your child to a sitter even before they have their first shots! Luckily, like Cole, she will stay with Dan when hes off duty. But of course my first day back he's on duty and its a preschool day, so they are going to 2 separate places and I havent figured out how Im doing that! Im pretty syre my blood pressure meds will be working overtime that day! lol!
Anyways, this month although too fast has been wonderful! I love her so much and she has fit in our crazy life just perfect. Cole loves her and everyday spends more time with her. Today on her one month bday he held her for the first time.
Friday, January 29, 2010
One Month Already?
Posted by brooke at 7:06 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 25, 2010
So Big!
There is no story to these, just some cute pics of my sweet Emmy!She is about 3 weeks old in these pics. SHe will be 4 weeks tomorrow!
Posted by brooke at 8:31 PM 2 comments
THe Magic House
While my sister was in town we took Cole to Magic House! He loves it there. It was a Martin Luther King Day so Kristy was off of work too so they joined us as well. Cole and Josh had a great time building things, exploring and as always, Cole spent most of his time in the imagtination part with the small village for kids. Mooney spent most of her time watching Emmy! Imagine that! We had so much fun!
Posted by brooke at 8:25 PM 0 comments
Mooney Time
My sister lives in Wisconsin now so she was not able to be here when Emmy was born. She booked airline tickets to be here the week after Emmy was born, however Emmy came early, so she was dying to get here!FInally she made it here! SHe loved meeting Emmy, playing one on one with COle and having sister time. SHe spoiled Emmy to death. It took us a few days to help Emmy understand after Aunt Mooney left that we could not hold her 24 hours a day! lol! Aunt Mooney and Cole had lots of fun singing Lary Plattes Pants On the Ground song from Idol!
Posted by brooke at 8:05 PM 0 comments
Play Mat + Hanks Toy
Since Emmy is becoming a little more alert, I decided to get out the play mat. She layed there for about 10 minutes before she was done with it all together, but in the meantime, Hank was so excited she was sitting on the floor, so he kept bringing her his toy hoping she would play. You can see the ugly blue thing laying next to her in most pics!
Posted by brooke at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 12, 2010
Rub A Dub Dub
On Sunday we were able to give Mrs. Emmy her first "real" bath! Her cord fell off on Saturday in her diaper! Cole was super excited and wanted to be the one who did it! So, we pulled up a chair and he got down to buisness...sunglasses and all! At first she didnt mind, because she peed and it must have been soothing, then she went into hysterics! Dan and I laughed becuase with Cole he did the same thing, but we panicked because we didnt understand why he was crying. THings are much more relaxed with the second one! Enjoy the pics!
Posted by brooke at 1:08 PM 0 comments
Monday, January 11, 2010
Happy Birthday Aiden
Yesterday we got to go to Aidens 3rd bday party at Pump It Up! Cole had a blast! It was nice to get out of the house also! Emmy slept the whole time! Cole ran ragged and we had a great time!
Posted by brooke at 1:45 PM 0 comments
Friday, January 8, 2010
Cabin Fever
I was feeling much better today and was ready to get out of the house. I can only stay cooped for so long! So we decided to go to Monkey Joes with Cole so he could also get out and burn some energy. Heather wanted to also get out of the house, so Isaak and Tessa met us there also. When we first pulled up, our friends Kyle and Mollie were also there. Everyone must have been feeling the same way! So we just kept emmy all bundled in her seat alseep and let Cole run crazy! He had a blast playing with friends, and I enjoyed just getting out!
Posted by brooke at 3:03 PM 0 comments
So , I am only a fan of snow for 1 day, then I need it to go away! Especially since I now have to make up 2 snow days in march! UGH! Anyways, we got about 3 inches of snow yesterday. Dan bought Cole a new sled when we heard it was supposed to snow. SO yesterday it was like 12 degrees for the high, and we ventured to teh backyard to frolic! Cole had a blast. He and Dan went down forward, backward, facing each other and every way you can imagine. He made snow angels, chased Hank and had a ball. I am not sure how they stayed out as long as they did. I came in after 45 minutes. Now it can melt and go away, IM sick of the cold!
Posted by brooke at 2:52 PM 0 comments
Its Playtime!
SInce we have been home from the hospital, we have tag teamed playing with Cole. Ok, so Dan obviously lots more than me. He is probably getting more individual attention than he did before Emmys arrival. We are just making sure he doesnt feel left out. He has had a blast, and has worn us out! (again, Dan more than me!) Well, you know how he likes to play "pet shop" from a previous post right? Cole asked me if I would play it the other day, and said it would be ok if Emmy played too. He actually bought her later in the pet shop game. So when people ask, "is Cole jealous?" we say NO becuase he is getting way more attention than before! I actually have taken up playing Wii becuase it is something I can do while sitting!
Posted by brooke at 2:08 PM 0 comments
Happy New Year
We brought Emmy home from the hospital on New Years Eve, so needless to say, it was very low key this year! I actually only knew it was midnight because as I sat in my bathroom pumping milk into bottles, I heard fireworks and thought "huh, it must be midnight!" I came out to give Dan a kiss and went back to work. Cole didnt make it to midnight this year either, nor did Emmy, so I put their crowns on their chests and took a picture. I am blessed to start a new year like this!
Posted by brooke at 2:03 PM 0 comments
Wednesday, January 6, 2010
Time To Go Home
On New Years Eve we got to come home from the hospital as a family of 4! What an amazing way to start the New Year! I couldnt get as many pictures this time because it was snowing really hard and we just needed to get the kiddos in the car. How weird to be driving home with 2 carseats in the back! Needless to say, I did not see the ball drop this New Years Eve, but only knew it was New Years because I heard frieworks as I sat in my bathroom pumping milk into bottles! ha! Its all worth it!
Posted by brooke at 7:58 AM 0 comments
Tuesday, January 5, 2010
Happy Birthday Emmy!
On December 29th, I woke up about 3:30 am with contractions. I immediately began charting them each time I woke up. For 3 hours they were about 15 minutes apart. At around 8, they became every 10 minutes. I finally called the doctor and told them I could no longer talk through them as they were getting very strong but not that close together. They told me to come on in and they would check me and either admit me or send me home. I went ahead and showered, finished packing etc. We dropped Cole off at Gigi and Papas around 11:00 on our way to the hosptital. As soon as I got back in the car they began coming about 4 minutes apart. It became near unbearable at this point. By the time I got to labor and delivery I was checked and had dilated to about a 6 and was in quite a bit of pain. I was begging for my epidural, which couldnt be ordered until I was admitted. So I finally got relief about 12:15, only for it to wear off at 1:00, and had to be redosed. I began pushing at
3:00 and had her at 3:38! It was so peaceful this time! It was just me, dan and the nurse and doctor, quiet and calm and was wonderful! Cole was amazing! He came up about 12:30 and stayed with me until I began pushing. He came back in right after and kissed her and tickled her cheeks. He then did the sweetest thing. He told emmy, "captain princess, this is my dad, this is my mom, this is my gigi, this is my papa, this is my other gigi (my mom ) and this is my aunt stace." I loved that he was introducing her to everyone. HE helped push her to the nursery for her bath. Emmy was perfect. She was 7.10lbs, 19 3/4 long and has dark hair! Total shocker!
Posted by brooke at 1:35 PM 0 comments