Saturday, August 22, 2009

What is her name....Captain Princess....

Well, after much debate we have decided on a name for Baby Bertino. From the moment we found out we were pregnant, Cole said it would be a girl and that her name would be "Captain Princess." He hasnt given that up, even telling the ultrasound tech as she revealed it was a girl, that her name is Captain Princess. Yes, he is very serious! If she is entering our family she too, must be a superhero!
For years I have said if I have a girl, her name would be Hattie. It was my great grandmas name and I love how old fashioned it is! Well, it has just never really sunk with Dan, so I abandoned it....he did play a small part in this creation I suppose. We made a list of names that we have been looking over. Finally Dan said, just pick something, and if I can live with it, then its fine with me! So I did, and ran it by Cole and he agreed. Her name is going to be.... Captain Princess Emmy. The E in Emmy is the first initial of my dads name, and Dans grandpa as well. We hope she will love her name! Her middle name will be Lynn after my sister, and sister in law and my mom!


Stef said...

Love the name!!!!!

Robyn and Bryan said...

LOVE IT!! We are still cant decide... LOL!