Sunday, December 13, 2009

Hang In There Emmy Lynn

On Thursday I had my 36 week checkup. This time Emmy cooperated on the NST and was perfect! I really think mornings are hard for her remain awakw after my blood pressure meds, we will see sinceI have a morning apt next week. Her ultrasounds was great. We didnt measure her this time. I think we do that again this week! She is still head down, and I am dilated to a 1 so far. I am having several braxton hicks contractions a day now. We are just praying so hard she can make it until after christmas! We want her to have her own special day!
My blood pressure decided Wed afternoon that it wanted to give me a reminder that I need to take it easy. I was lucky my mother in law was around to pick me up from school and being cole and I home, feed us, bathe cole and get us ready for bed since Dan was at work. My vision had gone nuts with the blood pressure! All is good now! I will update you after this frdays apt!