Tuesday, May 3, 2011

She Speaks!

Emmy talks so much more at 16 months than Cole ever did. It cracks me up! She is saying lots of little sentences like, "Dada go bye bye" and "Thank you mama" when she gives me something. She also says tons of single words such as more, down, please, thank you, eyes, mouth, nose, dogdog, night night, play, swing, outside and many more. I just love listening to her. In this clip right at the beginning you can hear her say "Thank you mama" then a few other words like "go". SHe was being silly in this clip. I really just wanted my sister to get to hear her talk since shes so far away! So here ya go Mindy!


Rau Family said...

Oh my goodness. Getting so big. Love that age! I love how she puts such emphasis on putting that scarf into the drawer!;)

cindysit said...

LOVE this age. I am so surprised how much more Ella talks then Lily did too! They know they better talk soon or they won't get a word in!! Love that she is hiding around in the hall from you.