Thursday, April 30, 2009

Good Report

Today we went for Dans quartlery visit of the oncologist, dermotologist and blood drawl. Everything went great! We are always "silently nervous" on these days! We have learned with our expect anything! Well, today the oncologist said "I wish I saw more lymphoma patients like you." His stage is so low still! So we are actually not going to be seeing him unless the dermatologist feels things are changing.
Next stop, dermotologist! Dr. Anadkat was also very encouraging! He too, said everything looks good and that Dan having lymphoma was not his biggest concern but the melanoma is more worrisome...but not right now...and hopefully never again! The melanoma is actually more aggressive than the lymphoma will be! BUT he still sees no sigh of the melanoma but told us what to watch for if it tries to come back.
We just hit the 4 year cancer free mark with the melanoma! yay!
So, we will just keep treating the lymphoma as we are and keep praying God uses this as a reminder of how precious life is....and nothing more!
Thanks for all your thoughts and prayers!
We will update ya again on this in 6 months!


Psalm112 said...

Praise the Lord!

I still want you to check out the supplement that B took for his Hodgkin's. They couldn't find any tumors by the time he started chemo!!!