Thursday, September 18, 2008

Ahhh....the joys of Cycle Schedule!

Many of you know that I took a teaching position at a new district last year, 30 miles closer to home! I love my kindergarten position here, but left behind some of my closest friends from my old school...however....when I get to missing them too much, I just think......Brooke, you can visit them on "cycle break." The school I teach at starts in July and we teach 9 weeks, then we take a 3 week "cycle break." We do this every 9 weeks until June, then we are off for 6 weeks. This schedule is so fabulous because it allows me to spend 3 whole weeks with my husband and son. Since Dan only works every other day or so for 24 hours, we get to spend TONS of time together during my breaks! So noon tomorrow I will be on my 3 week break! So please, dont call before 9:30! ha!
This year will be our first time utilizing off peak travel times! Dan and I will be joining another couple in Ft. Lauderdale. We are going without cole (thats a whole other blog) for 6 days. (well, we are already missing him and are looking in to coming home a day early.) We are excited though to enjoiy some time alone, have several glasses of wine, escape kindergarteners, and take a break from the mind consuming fertilty drama! maybe that will be our 14 month answer!
So I say to you......I LOVE CYCLE BREAK, and get ready for lots of blogs because I have Dan and Cole and I booked for 3 weeks worth of family fun! If you know Dan, he dreads my "adventures" becuase sometimes they dont go as planned!