Sunday, September 14, 2008

My Child The Monster Lover

Cole with a scream mask!

I think Dan said this was from Hellraiser. Im in it!

Weird trash can monster.

Scary gnome thing!

Nasty child monster.

For the past 6 months Cole has fallen in love with Scooby Doo. Thats all he wants to watch. Well because of the nature of Scooby, he is no longer afraid of monsters and now is obsessed with monster, goblin, ghosts and anything gory! I guess on one hand its nice not to be worried about him being scared, but he has been excited for halloween for months! He saw they were opening a Halloween store by our house and we had to check daily to see if they were open! Finally last week they opened! He ran in there so excited! They had the nastiest scariest lfe sized stuff all talking and screaming and yelling! Cole thought it was awesome! He made me put on masks, he put on masks and we were there an hour! He picked out his costume (a skeleton)and has worn it everyday since!
Cole now has a camera obesession as we all know I do, so now he asks all the time for my camera and he takes pictures of things where we are. So at the store, he says "mom, i need the camera. I need to take pictures of all these monsters to show dad!" I laughed so hard becuase that is SOOOO me! He proceeded to take pics of me, and the monsters! Needless to say, our house in decorated and we are very excited for Halloween. Just a little....ok...alot sad that he is old enough to pick his own costume this year and not let me humiliate him with the peacock that drew so much attention!