Just starting our vacation!
Cole giving Isaak a big ole hug on the rocks behind the cabins.
They boys with their fishing boots, and Jason with his fish.
Dan and Cole hiking up Devils Kettle
Cole and I at Devils Kettle
Well, after a 14 day vacation, it is back to the real world....well for Dan. I still have 2 more weeks and some more traveling to do! We finally made it to Minnesota after Dans brief stay in the hospital in Madison. It is always so fun going "Up North" each year with Jason, Heather, Isaak and now Tessa. We have awesome family meals, laugh till we pee and see such gorgeous things on our hikes. THis year, thanks to Jasons keen eye site I got to see my first moose up near the Canadian border! We did more this year than we have EVER done up there. We took the boys to Duluth and we rode on a train. We toured Split Rock Lighthouse...it was amazing! Dan, Cole and I hiked to Devils Kettle, the Temperance River again and the Cross River. Cole was a hiking trooper. All of us spent a few days shopping around in Grand Marais, and the boys favorite thing to do was throw rocks in the water. IF you've never seen Lake Superior, it looks like an ocean, but on a calm day is clear 27 feet to the bottom! We stay in the Hudsons cabins that were built in the 20's and the other in the 40's/ They back right up in the lake. You can hear the waves crash all night long! I have too many things to write about and stories to tell....so I will post a few pics and you will have to call me for the rest!
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