Sunday, July 11, 2010

Good Bye Summer

Well, tonight it is a "work night!" UGh, how sad it makes me! Like maternity leave being over all over again! The breaks are so awesome, but it makes it so hard to go back. Dan is home so much, so it is just so nice for all of us to be home (well, ok, not REALLY home) together! This summer was awesome! We did everything I wanted to and more! I just wanted to take Cole as many places as possible since he starts kindergarten this week. (tear) I feel like once the kids start "real" school, you just don't have the time you used to for fun experiences as often! Emmy was such a trooper at every place we went. Never once did she cry, unless it was time to turn her around in the infant carrier for a nap. I am going to miss 24 hours of her sweet smiling face every day! I hate that I will get about 6 hours if I am lucky! Tonight at dinner I asked her if her cheeks ever hurt from smiling so much! I am glad that I got to see her crawl for the first time on my break!
Cole starts school Thursday! I am baffled at where the time went! I think of sweet little Cole in a school of big kids and mean kids and it makes me so scared for him. He is so sweet and I hope Dan and I have raised him with good morals and the ability to be a leader and not a follower! I will be kickin ass and taking names if anyone messes with my baby!
How lucky though that I get to be with him everyday! I am looking forward to our drives to and from school just talking! I love him more than words and this is such a monumental step in his life. Tomorrow is his open house so I have grandparents on duty to go with him to his room since I will be having my own in my room. They will be armed with my camera!
So, with tears in my eyes from thinking to much about my kids in this post, I say.....THIS WAS THE BEST SUMMER EVER! God truly is good!