Friday, July 16, 2010

He's Off!

Well, Cole officially is a Kindergartener! I had many tears the day and night before! Dan had the tears or "sweat in his eyes" the day of. (incase you missed that story, last year after Coles flu shot he said, "Im not crying, I have sweat in my eyes!") Cole and I met Dan at school early and we all 3 walked in together! Since I had my own group of kindergarteners, Dan walked him down to his room and got him situated when the bell rang. He didn't cry a bit and was so excited!
It was (is) the weirdest thing to turn around at school and see my little boy there! The little boy who was just born, crawling, walking and talking. I still tear up thinking about it! When I saw Cole at the first recess he ran up and hugged me and I said "hey buddy, how is it? He said, I really like this place!" His teacher told me when he heard my voice in the hall with my class he said, " I hear my moms voice!" He seems to be adjusting well so far! He is very young to be in kindergarten so I have been worried, but it seems he is going to be just fine! Thanks for all of the prayers and calls to get me through this milestone!


cindysit said...

Sweet pic's! Love the one where you are carrying 15 bags and Dan has none :)! Looks like me going into work each day. It's so fun seeing Cole in the hall!

The Chaplins said...

so cute!!!