Thursday, July 29, 2010

Hello Unicorn!

Cole had a small, ok, large mishap at school today. It was rest time and the teacher heard screaming, so she went over to Cole and he told her he wanted me. She thought maybe he was just missing me, so she sat and talked to him about his wii games etc. All the while, his face is covered with her stuffed brown bear he got to lay with today since he was "sunshine student!" After a bit she asked him if he felt ok. He pulled the bear off his face and said no. She was shocked at what she saw. He told me later that he cam back from the restroom and when he went to lay down he hit his head on the shelf. Not sure how long that was before the screaming started. She called down to tell me he was with the nurse. Then the principal came down and said, "just want you to know it looks really bad, so dont be alarmed." WOW! It sure did, and apparently it had been worse! Poor baby, he went back to class after some ice. He started telling everyone that he and brown bear got in a fight! In this photo, you can see over his right eye and between his eyes is swollen. This is 6 hours after it happened. (we were icing it again before bed) It actually starts at the hairline and goes down between the eyes! His teacher is getting a small treat from us tomorrow!


cindysit said...

Poor Cole, I didn't help matters. When I walked in after it happened I gasped, quit loudly. His head must be pounding. They say it's better when it comes out like that, Right?