Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Overwhlemed With Girliness

This past weekend 4 of my amazing friends threw me the cutest baby shower! I mean, adorable! I have never seen sp much girlie stuff in all my life. Gift after gift I opened were ribbons and bows and tutu's. The cake that was made was made to match her bedding, which it did to a T!I think I have like 10 outfit changes for the hospital! Of and of course....embroidery! Burp cloths, bibs, onsies, bows and bloomers all with her name on it! I jsut love it! I was so excited to see my friends and share this day with them! My sister and neices were able to come from Madison to be here too which made it very special! When Cole was born my sister threw me a shower and had at the time we all called Cole "Prince" so she had a huge plate made with a crown that said Welcome Prince Cole. All of my friends signed it and we have used it each year on his bbday. My sister did one this time too. It says "Welcome Captain Princess Emmy" since that is what COle calls her. I made it through the entire shower without crying until I began reading everyones notes on her plate and then I lost it. It just became so surreal that she is finally almost here! I waited 2 years to carry her and have felt her move now for almost 9 months. What a blessing and everyone at the shower had a part in helping me through the last 2 years.