Sunday, December 20, 2009

Room Is Complete...just missing the main detail!

Yesterday we finally got Emmys room completed! Dan hung up her new pink curtains (thanks min) and her shelves. We have one bare wall over the changing table because I want to use some newborn pics to put on canvases tohang there. I still need just a few details, but over all it is ready! Well, after Dan get ALL of his hunting stuff out of her closet and off of her floor, which he says will happen after his last hunt on Tuesday. Now we are just waiting on Captain Princess to arrive...though we really want her to wait until Next SUnday or later...emmy if you are listening, please wait!
At Fridays appointment she was 6.11. SHe is on track to weigh the same as cole if she gains a half pound a week. I lost a pound! whew hew! I have gained 26 to this point now. I just have no appetite any longer. The doctor made it clear that Emmy could arrive any day and that having my bags packed would be ideal...oops, forgot that minor detail!